Important Notice: Temporary Office Relocation

Seal of the Honorary Consul of Albania, Van Christo

Seal of the Honorary Consul of Albania, Van Christo

The building at 162 Boylston Street is being renovated so we are temporarily relocating as of April 1, 2018 to:

140 Sewall Avenue
Brookline, MA 02446
Tel: 857-654-4298
Fax: 617-734-8221

The email address and our web address: remain the same.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Most Faithfully,

Van Christo
Honorary Consul General of Albania in Massachusetts

Celebration of The 105th Anniversary of Albanian Independence Day at City Hall Plaza. With Event organizer Petrit Alibej, Bishop Ilia and Ron Nasson

Help Support Frosina in 2017!

Above: Van Christo at the celebration of The 105th Anniversary of Albanian Independence Day at City Hall Plaza in Boston, MA in 2017. With Event organizer Petrit Alibej, Bishop Ilia, and Ron Nasson.

Donate Now!

A Message from Van Christo:

In 1994, I formed Frosina to be of assistance to Albanian immigrants as they struggled to make their home in the United States by helping them find housing, medical care, education, legal representation, and jobs.

Those services are still needed and I have also found the time to continue my interest in Albanian history, art, and culture and I have produced and disseminated many examples of interesting Albanian art and culture.

Lately, many Albanians in the Massachusetts area have been troubled with the recent confusing
immigration regulations that have been frequently targeting individuals with Muslim-sounding names.

Since I am the Honorary Consul General of Albania in Massachusetts, we have received many inquiries about renewal of passports, visas, green cards, and safe re-entry to the US when traveling abroad.

With your help, Frosina can continue with this much needed work!

Donate Now!

Van Christo was recently honored to be proclaimed Honorary Citizen of Korce, Albania,
the city of his birth.

Veterans Day 2017 Remembrance: My Experiences During World War II

The following is the original text of an essay written by Van Christo in 2008, following A Joint Reunion of the USS Chaffee and the USS Pennsylvania, which took took place on November 7-10, 2008, in Lousisville, Kentucky.

USS Chaffee at Anchor

USS Chaffee at Anchor. Source: By Becklectic – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

My ship is torpedoed by a Japanese “Betty” bomber during WWII
By: Van Christo
Quartermaster Second Class (QMIIc)

I was born in Albania and brought to America when I was a year old, so, I didn’t have an American birth certificate, I wanted to join the Navy at age 16 during WWII, after badgering my father, my father, Piro, he swore before a Notary Public that I was 17-1/2
the minimum age to join the Navy.

I served as a Quartermaster Petty Officer on board a Destroyer-Escort, the USS Chaffee, DE230, for almost 18 months in the Pacific. During the American invasion of the Japanese stronghold on Luzon in the Philippines, my ship was patrolling Luzon’s Lingayen Gulf on the night of January 23, 1945 at 11:15 PM, when a squadron of three Japanese “Betty” torpedo bombers was spotted by the Chaffee’s radar. Two of the bombers, or bogies as we called them, continued straight on, but the third plane turned back towards the harbor where my ship and other Navy ships including the battleship USS Pennsylvania that was anchored on the port (left) side.. As the Chaffee readied for attack, our skipper, A. C. “Ace” Jones, ordered the Chaffee to turn towards the oncoming Japanese bomber that dropped its torpedo and struck our ship up in the bow. Although the Chaffee was damaged, no one was hurt and the forward compartments were sealed off.

Back then, on most Navy ships over 1500 tons, there were two locations from which the ship could be steered. The main location was in the Pilot House located at the top front of the ship. A second location was called After Steering, below decks at the very end of the
ship. Because I was considered a good helmsman, my battle station on the Chaffee was After Steering, so I could feel the impact as the ship heaved and rolled lightly to one side when the torpedo struck. The After Steering station was fully equipped with a Gyro
Compass for steering instructions where on receipt of a horn signal from the bridge, I engaged a clutch, and after a shudder, I assumed steering control. This feature proved to be very important during WWII in the Pacific, as the pilot house on American ships was
the primary target of all Japanese Kamikaze suicide pilots.

I was proud as hell that the battle station chosen for me on board the Chaffee was After Steering, as I was only 17 years old and the youngest sailor on the Chaffee. That day as I was at my battle station in
After Steering, the Electricians Mate, Chuck Stroth and I suddenly heard the loud staccato rat-tat-tat of the 20 mm guns and the Thump -Thump of the 40’s right above our heads on the fantail. We knew we were under attack and my heart started pounding in my chest. We felt the hit as the ship heaved and rolled to one side. All that only took a few minutes. It was then quiet as we awaited further instructions from the Bridge.

On the following morning, two officers from the Chaffee boarded the Pennsylvania, hoping to acquire spare parts for temporary repairs. But when the Chaffee officers came on board, they were greeted like royalty since the crew of the Pennsylvania firmly believed that the
Chaffee intentionally intercepted the Japanese torpedo in a heroic effort to save it from striking the Pennsylvania that represented a fat, easy target. But that was not really the case since the Chaffee inadvertently got in the way of the torpedo! However, when our two officers returned from the Pennsylvania to the Chaffee, they also brought back 6 gallons of ice cream from the grateful crew of the Pennsylvania. For this actual wartime encounter between the Japanese torpedo bomber and the Chaffee, our crew was awarded the Philippine Liberation Medal with Bronze Star.

A Joint Reunion of the USS Chaffee and the USS Pennsylvania took place in Louisville, Kentucky, during November 7-10, 2008. Since the battleship Pennsylvania had a crew of some 3500 while the crew of the Destroyer-Escort Chaffee numbered only 212, present at that 2008 Joint Reunion were about 400 people and crew representing the Pennsylvania while there were only 25 of us representing the Chaffee including 7 crew members. Nonetheless, on one wall of the huge Reunion dining hall were two mammoth banners with
the names of the Pennsylvania and the Chaffee hanging side by side.

There, in a nutshell, you have heard a small portion of my own military experiences in the U.S. Navy during WWII.

A Message from Van Christo

I am deeply offended and saddened after viewing groups of young Americans on TV waving swastika flags and Heil Trump placards on Saturday, August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia

From 1944-1946, I served in the US Navy on frosina-paypalboard the U.S.S. Chaffee DE230 in the Pacific, where my ship was torpedoed by a Japanese bomber. I fought as did my fellow servicemen and women to defeat Nazism. Thousands of Americans gave their lives during WWII to preserve the freedom of those who had suffered so greatly under the horrific Nazi scourge. After the surrender of Germany and Japan in 1946, we brought our still damaged ship to California and I soon came home to proud Albanian immigrant parents who came to this country to get away from bigotry and oppression.

The Albanian community was proud that their sons and daughters defended their new homes in the USA. Yes, we won the war, but how have we now lost sight of our WWII victory so much that it has resulted in thousands of Neo Nazis in today’s America?

More disheartening is that the President of the United States has disgraced himself and his presidency by drawing equivalency between the white supremacists, Neo-Nazis and KKK members to protestors and people like Heather Heyer.

I am now urging our congressional delegation and community leaders in Massachusetts to denounce the President’s shameful remarks and demand that the United States Congress condemn President Trump’s remarks and take an immediate and forceful stand against this racism and violence now in America.

AlbCon DataBit: Albania and the Albanians

Albanian Dancers, Watercolor.

Albanian Dancers, Watercolor

Contemporary sources show that 14th century Albanians were invariably identified as a tribal peoples, with no state of their own.

Thus, depending on their location and to which civilization they subscribed, they could be identified under the following criteria:

Arnaut (Turkish)
Arbanas or Arbanensis (Greek)
Epirotarum or Albanensis (Italian)
Arber, Arben, Arberesh, Epirotas (Native peoples/Albanian)

According to a report by historian Shefqet Pllana, Sami Frasheri in his Kamus-al-Alam maintains that the wording “Dhu lKarnejn” (owner of the two horns) was an appellative attributed to Alexander the Great of Macedon, the very name which Skanderbeg bore in the Islamic form. This second explanation may be the truer, since the theory of the Macedonian-Albanian and Epirot-Albanian continuance is strong not only among Albanians but among all the peoples of Europe.

This opinion agrees with the work of Marin Barleti who writes: “When the people saw all those young and brave men around Skanderbeg, then it was not hard to believe that the armies of [Sultan] Murat were so defeated by the Albanians. Indeed, the times when the star of Macedon shone brilliantly had returned, just as they seemed in those long forgotten times of Pyrrhus and Alexander.”

Origin of the Double-Headed Eagle
The double-headed eagle is a symbol used by several cultures. It is broadly associated with the Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire, among other civilizations.

The two heads are understood to represent the sovereignty of the leadership (secular and religious) over both east and west areas of the world.

Several Eastern European nations adopted it from the Byzantines and continue to use it as their national symbol to this day, the most prominent being Russia.

Time Capsule: 70th Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima

The Honorable Van Christo

Van Christo at his home in Brookline, MA

The morning was bright and sunny, as I pushed briskly through the revolving glass doors of the Boston VA building, I noted a small group of men standing inside. Seated a bit closer and slumped in their chairs were two older men wearing faded baseball hats and jackets, looking straight ahead, not speaking to each other. I studied them for a brief moment, guessed that they were probably waiting for ride, but thought to myself that they both looked really old.

Then, it occurred to me that they were both probably WWII veterans just like me. But, I didn’t feel old as I was wearing a suit , tie and sporting a new straw hat, that my wife, Jane, had given me on our 40th wedding anniversary. I figured that the two seated men and me – the three of us – probably served in WWII . Impulsively, because, I guess I felt proud of them, I turned to them and snapped a military “hand salute” as I walked by. Both men seemed startled, attempted to rise, but fell back in their chairs while slowly raising their right hands to return my salute.

About an hour or so later I left my appointment with a VA Audiologist who had fitted me with hearing aids, and, as I approached the front exit door and passed the still-waiting small group of men, one of them yelled, “Attention – Officer on Deck!” Then, four of the standing veterans quickly stood up at attention and saluted me as I passed.

I returned the salute, smiled and walked outside to the VA parking lot. I smiled because I was not an officer.

February 10, 1944
The whole country was behind America’s war effort, because, WWII was clearly a battle between the good guys and the bad guys.

I finally enlisted in the U.S. Navy at the age of 16. Back then, the minimum age to join U.S. military services was 18, however, because the U.S. Navy had suffered heavy losses at Pearl Harbor and the Battle of the Coral Sea where many American ships were either sunk or damaged, only the Navy had lowered its enlistment age to 17 and a half.

Because I was born in Albania, I was unable to produce proof of birth because of the war then raging in Europe. I desperately wanted to join the U.S. Navy although I was only 16, and, for weeks, I badgered my mother, and, especially, my father, to swear in front of a Notary Public that I was 17 and a half years old ,the legal age to join the Navy. My mother, often tearfully, always resisted my entreaties insisting that I was much too young. She even brought in a heavy-gun uncle who pointed at me shouting NO! NO! NO!

Gradually, I wore down all resistance. My parents relented so my father and I went to a Notary Public where, right hand raised, my father swore that I was17 and half years old. I felt a bit smug because I believed I had put one over on the Navy recruitment officer. I was only slightly disappointed that he barely glanced at the notarized paper as he swore me in to join the U.S. Navy.

Because of America’s urgency to push recruits into the fleet as soon as possible, I was given only five and a half weeks of Basic Training – instead of the customary 12 – at the Sampson, NY, Naval Base. After a 5-day leave – barely long enough to show off my new Navy uniform to family, friends and, especially, a couple of girls that I hoped to impress, I returned to Sampson and was immediately shipped by troop train to Charleston, South Carolina, to attend pre-commissioning school where I learned I was to serve on board a new destroyer escort to be commissioned on May 23, 1944, as the U.S.S. Chaffee, DE 230.

January 23, 1945
I was standing Quartermaster Watch during American landings in the Philippine Islands to regain control from the Japanese, where my ship was patrolling Luzon’s Lingayen Gulf. At 11:15pm, a squadron of three Japanese “Betty” torpedo bombers was spotted by the Chaffee’s radar.

The battle stations alarm was sounded as the Chaffee readied for an attack. Two of the Japanese bombers, or bogies as we called them, disappeared over the horizon, but the third plane made a wide turn in the direction of Lingayen harbor where other U.S. Navy ships including the battleship USS Pennsylvania were anchored.

The Chaffee’s skipper, A.C. Jones, ordered the ship to turn towards the oncoming Japanese bomber, but, too late, as the “Betty” dropped its torpedo and struck the Chaffee in the bow below the waterline. Although the Chaffee sustained damage, there were no fatalities, and the Chaffee sealed off forward compartments filling with water.

On most military vessels over 1500 tons, there are two locations from which the ship could be guided, steered and propelled. The primary location was the Pilot House, or Bridge located at the top front of the ship. The secondary location, used in an emergency, was a facility called After Steering, located below decks in the stern of the ship.

After hearing a loud horn signal from the Bridge, the helmsman at the After Steering station – immediately engages a clutch, and after a momentary shudder of the ship, he assumes both steering control and compass course directions of the ship. This feature proved to be critically important during the war in the Pacific corridor, as the pilot house was invariably the primary destination and target of all Japanese Kamikaze suicide pilots. I was proud that the battle station chosen for me on board the Chaffee was the helmsman at After Steering, as I was then only 17 years old, and the youngest sailor on the Chaffee.

During the attack, I couldn’t see the action from below deck, but I could feel the torpedo hit as the ship heaved up slightly in the bow and then rolled sideways for a few moments until it righted itself and proceeded steady on course.

On the morning following the torpedo attack, two officers from the Chaffee boarded the battleship Pennsylvania, seeking to acquire spare parts to make temporary repairs to the bow. But when the Chaffee officers came aboard the Pennsylvania, they were greeted like royalty since the crew of the Pennsylvania believed that the Chaffee intentionally intercepted the Japanese torpedo in a heroic effort to sacrifice itself to protect the Pennsylvania that represented a huge and easy target.

But that was not really the case since the Chaffee got hit by the torpedo because it couldn’t get out of the way fast enough! Had the Chaffee not received the hit, the torpedo would certainly have struck the Pennsylvania in its Forward Boiler Room thus causing serious damage, or maybe even sinking!

When our two officers returned from the Pennsylvania to the Chaffee, they brought back 6 gallons of ice cream from the grateful crew of the Pennsylvania. For this actual wartime encounter between the Japanese torpedo bomber and the Chaffee, our crew was awarded the Philippine Liberation Medal with Bronze Star.

August 6, 1945
I was standing Quartermaster watch in the Chaffee’s Pilot House when a radioman bounded up the stairs from the Radio Shack just below. He rushed by me, jumping up the 3 steps leading to the Flying Bridge where he handed the skipper a radiogram stating that an American bomber had dropped a single bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, causing massive destruction and enormous casualties.

As the skipper read the message aloud to those standing on the flying bridge, we were all quiet – there were no cheers, no shouts of joy, just a single voice that said, “I think it may be some kind of a radio bomb.”
My buddy said, with a certain amount of fear in his voice, “Just one bomb, what the fuck is that?”

September 2, 1945
The Chaffee was anchored in Buckner Bay, Okinawa, when it was announced over the PA system that the Japanese had surrendered. The shouts of “Hooray”, “Wow!” and Holy Shit, sounded everywhere aboard the ship .
For me, there was a moment of disbelief as it slowly began to sink in that the end of the war would mean going home!

The Chaffee, was anchored in Leyte Gulf, in the Philippines. when we received orders to depart for Pearl Harbor, and, then, on to San Francisco, where I would receive final orders to proceed to a Receiving Station – the Fargo Building in Boston – to be processed for final discharge from the U.S. Navy.

Entering Pearl Harbor, we cruised by in total silence as we witnessed the U.S.S. Missouri and other sunken U.S. Navy ships bombed during the Japanese attack on December 7, 1941. We were also aware that there were thousands of American sailors still entombed in the sunken battleship Arizona. The crew quietly saluted as we passed by.

After we tied up, most of the Chaffee’s crew was given liberty ashore where we wore our long stowed-away dress white uniforms, and headed to a highly recommended restaurant, where we ordered big steaks with all the trimmings, along with drinks, drinks, drinks.

Van Sotir Christo is appointed Honorary Consul of Albania in Massachusetts

Van Christo

Van Christo poses with a 1927 General Electric radio given to him by an appreciative fan of the Van Christo Radio Theatre. 

Citing more than 50 years of service to Albania and the Albanians, H.E. Ditmir Bushati, Foreign Minister of Albania, appointed Van Sotir Christo of Brookline, Massachusetts, as the new Honorary Consul of Albania in Massachusetts. The U.S. Department of State confirmed his new appointment in January, 2015.

Christo was President and Creative Director of Van Christo Advertising in Boston, Massachusetts, from 1960 to 1994 serving hi-tech/industrial clients in the USA, Canada, and the UK . His agency won numerous citations and recognitions including two CLIO Awards and two International Broadcasting Awards.

After the fall of Communism in Albania in 1994, Christo perceived a need for an organization to assist Albanian immigrants arriving in Massachusetts with housing, medical, educational, and other issues that arose as they attempted to find their way in a new country. In 1994, he formed the Frosina Information Network, a non-profit organization that provided valuable counsel and assistance to hundreds of Albanian and other immigrants. Christo was appointed to the Massachusetts Governors Advisory Council on Refugees and Immigrants by Governors Weld, Cellucci, and Swift.

In 2008, Christo’s wife, Jane Christo, as General Manager of NPR radio Station WBUR in Boston, received a Medal of Gratitude from Albania’s President Alfred Moisiu for her work in training Albanian and Kosovar journalists in both their home countries and the USA after the fall of communism. In 2012, her husband, Van Christo, was awarded the Order of Mother Teresa Medal from Albania president Bamir Topi for aiding Albanian immigrants arriving in America and for calling attention to the plight of Kosovars then under a repressive Serbian regime.

Christo is a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, where he served in the Pacific as a Petty Officer on the U.S.S. Chaffee, DE230. In January, 1945, the Chaffee was struck in the bow by a Japanese torpedo intended for the battleship, U.S.S. Pennsylvania, BB38. For this heroic action, the Chaffee crew was awarded the Philippine Liberation Medal with Bronze Star. Christo is a Founding Member and Commander Emeritus of the Albanian American War Veterans of the United States (AAWV) in Massachusetts.

Christo and his wife Jane reside in Brookline, Massachusetts.

Humphrey Fellowships – students from Albania and Kosovo are eligible to apply

hereFrosina is pleased to announce that students who are nationals of Albania or Kosova are eligible for the prestigious Humphrey Fellowships, administered by the Institute of International Education in Washington, D.C.

Interested individuals should contact the Public Affairs offices at the U.S. Embassy in Tirana and at the U.S. Embassy in Prishtina.

For more information, please click in the link

Albanian Flag Day Celebration in St. Louis, MO


On Thursday, November 20, 2014 a program to celebrate Albanian Independence Day will be held at the Macklind International Senior Center, 1329 Macklind Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110. The event, which runs from 10:30 until noon, will feature traditional music, poetry, a photography, exhibition and refreshments. Participants will include Albanian senior citizens who attend the center, their families and local government officials.

The event commemorates November 28, 1912 when Albania became free after 500 years of Ottoman Empire rule.

Macklind International Senior Center is sponsored by Bilingual International Assistant Services, a non-profit agency that provides health, wellness and social services for foreign born individuals. The Senior Center is Missouri’s only multi-cultural program that provides daily lunches and activities for older immigrants and refugees. For more information, please contact Jason Baker at (314) 645-7800,

Anastas Arthur Tashko

One of the greatest modern painters of Albanian origin, Anastas Arthur Tashko was born in Korca, Albania, in 1901.  He moved to the USA in 1923, where he studied at Harvard Law School.   He was the brother of Kostandin and Tefta, both great Albanian, American personalities. Arthur moved to Spain and later Colombia, dedicating his life to modern painting, and becoming one of the most famous painters in Latin America.   Below is one of his works entitled COMPOSICION CUBISTA CON MUJER EN VERDE Y ROSA

Tashko passed away in 1994 in Bogota. His work is displayed in Galleries all over the World.